7 Things That Require Zero Talent

At Lakewinds Global (Philadelphia, PA) we firmly believe that you do not have to be naturally talented in order to succeed. Although some talent never hurts, there are many more pieces to the equation that will result in success. Take these seven things for example; being on time, the energy you omit, the effort you put in, your attitude, how well you prepare, how you receive critique and feedback, your drive- not one of these things requires an ounce of talent. Keep reading to see how you can leverage these things to your benefit.

  1. Punctuality – Being on time is a simple choice that shows respect and that you take what you are doing seriously.
  2. Energy – What type of energy are you giving off? Negativity only creates more negative outcomes. #PositiveVibesOnly
  3. Effort – We’ve all heard the saying, “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” It’s a fact.
  4. Attitude – How you approach your day, a challenge, failure, it’s all a choice. Do not play the victim to the circumstances that surround you.
  5. Preparation – When you prepare ahead of time, you are setting yourself up to be more efficient and productive.
  6. Coachability – No one likes a “know it all.” Be open to receiving advice, learn from others, and embrace being a student of your craft.
  7. Passion – There is no skill involved in finding what sets your heart on fire. Once you find it, continue to fuel it.

With a culture built upon merit-based achievement and recognition, the Lakewinds Global team is no stranger to any of the above. And although we have many talented individuals, they all make the conscious decision every day to never rely on talent alone. Follow us on Twitter to learn more about the culture at Lakewinds Global.

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